Hey guys, so today’s outfit got me thinking. Let me start from the top… I showered, brushed my teeth and when it came to choosing my outfit I was swamped for ideas. So I played around with what I had and I must say I was really happy with what I came up with, it made me happy!
Walked out of my room and my nephew, 15 years, was in the dinning room doing some work and the first thing I heard was “Yurk” followed by a giggle. So I asked him what was giving him the mixed emotions and he goes like ” Your outfit, I hate it, it does not look good!” The small brother follows with ” If you go out like that people will laugh at you!”
I got self conscious and quickly ran to the bedroom to change, saw a reflection of myself and I went back to the mirror and took five minutes staring at my miserable self! In the five minutes I was standing there, I had a moment of self reflection, I choose this outfit because I liked the look. What does it matter if others don’t understand sense of fashion. Why am I so quick to please others, rather than sticking to what pleases me? Even if I change, there will be something with the next outfit that someone somewhere wont like, then what?
We are too quick to please others and we forget to do what makes us happy. People are different, meaning we can never please them all, whether its with what we wear, how we cook, how we talk, walk, smile, do make-up, the list is endless. I say, do what YOU love, do what makes YOU happy and forget what others have to say!